Climbing Kilimanjaro

About Me

Hi everyone, my name is Juliana, and in October 2022, I will be attempting to climb the tallest, free-standing mountain in Africa. I have decided to be a bit of an adventurer before my 30th birthday by exploring the wonders of this beautiful world. Whilst on this journey, I would like to raise funds for less privileged children who do not have the same opportunities as I do, or have had in my 29 years in this world. One thing close to my heart is the opportunity to give and provide for the less fortunate. To be able to do this through a Christian charity and organisation touches my heart even more. Any amount donated would go far for the orphanage Hope and Faith Home. There is nothing too small to give for this fundraising. Any donation would be appreciated, and would encourage me on every step I take up the mountain.

The Charity

“Spreading the Gospel” charity, commonly known as STG, has been serving the community by spreading the Gospel and providing humanitarian support through local partnerships over the last 13 years. Their work in Ghana and Kenya has been of tremendous help to those faced with economic challenges. Through several partnerships, STG has organised several outreach campaign. STG has partnered with the orphanage Hope and Faith Home for special needs children for the last seven years, providing provisions and financial support. Presently, the charity is raising funds to help build an extra house to aid the shelter and sleeping conditions of children at the orphanage. Presently, the charity is raising funds to help build an extra house to aid the shelter and sleeping conditions of children at the orphanage. The Hope and Faith Home for special needs children is located in Juja, Kenya (about a 35–40-minute drive from Nairobi). The home provides care such as shelter, feeding, medication, and therapy for the children they look after. Some of the needs they cater to include children with cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and autism. The building of the additional house will ensure improved living conditions for the orphanage and increase the number of children the orphanage can cater to.

The Mountain

Located in Tanzania, Mount Kilimanjaro is Africa’s tallest and the world’s largest free-standing mountain. Kilimanjaro stands at about 5,895 meters (19,340 feet) and is not part of any mountain range. Kilimanjaro is known as a stratovolcano, made up of tree cones. The Kibo, Mawenza, and Shira. Kibo is the summit of the mountain and the tallest of the three. The highest point on Kibo’s crater rim is Uhuru, the Swahili word for “freedom.” The mountain is also known for its snow-capped peak; however, scientists warn that the snow might disappear within the next 20 years or so. Kilimanjaro is one of the seven summits of the world and great for first-time adventurers like me. I will be climbing the Lemosho Trek with a group of fellow adventurers. I cannot wait to reach the summit and raise funds for an orphanage with a great cause.

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